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Each tub is a 6 quart tub. I used one jar of spawn which was about 75% full, so 3/4 of a quart. 1 quart of sub. So 1:1 sub to spawn packed tightly with a 1/4 inch casing layer on top. Each cake ~2 Qt

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Flush #6 of fruiting period

STEP 19. Results and final harvest of sixth flush of mushroom fruiting cycle

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Jun 2021

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Flush #6 of fruiting period

Flush #5 of fruiting period

STEP 18. Harvest results of the fifth flush of mushroom fruiting cycle

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Jun 2021

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Flush #5 of fruiting period

Flush #4 of fruiting period

STEP 17. Results of the fourth flush of mushroom fruiting. Yield weight of 4th flush. Rehydration and preparation for th...

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Jun 2021

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Flush #4 of fruiting period