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Another day, another question … 🤣 does this look like trich or some other nasty? Tiny green/grey not sure if it’s a bruise from last flush or something bad. This is second flush and what the mushies look like … Ty! Another day, another question … 🤣 does this look like trich or some other nasty? Tiny green/grey not sure if it’s a bruise from last flush or something bad. This is second flush and what the mushies look like … Ty! astora☽: take a q tip and brush it Bottom looks fine It honestly doesn’t look like trich or any sort of contam : Great. Ty! Appreciate you being here for me, @astora☽. Qtip to like just get whatever is on there off? astora☽: It’s to do a test if it brushes off it’s contam, but if it doesn’t it’s fine. Honestly looks like you could pick it up and throw it away you shouldn’t worry so much

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Cracked & split caps

A split or cracked mushroom caps and stems are neither contamination nor a disease. These symptoms indicate dehydration...

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May 2023

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Cracked & split caps

Black spots on shrooms & mycelium

Strange black spots suddenly appeared on mushroom caps and mycelium. Why is this happening? Is it contamination or not?...

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Sep 2022

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Black spots on shrooms & mycelium

Fuzzy feet and caps

Long stems, Fuzzy Feet, White Dots on mushroom caps or Fluffy Caps. What all these symptoms mean to a mushroom grower

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Sep 2022

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Fuzzy feet and caps