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Hello all. First time grower here, and I’m trying to work out a few kinks. I appreciate any and all feedback! I am worried some kind of contamination may exist. I see that a few pins are aborts, and that some fuzzy feet exist, but I can’t make sense of the heads that have the other creamish color growth on them, as well as that larger one in the upper right whose head is completely spilt open. Second, there are a couple of conjoined twins, is that ok? Third, with this B+ strain, I am finding it difficult to accurately determine when they are ready to harvest. I understand it’s at veil break, but what is the tell tale sign for these for a noob? Is it perhaps that little textured band around the stem? And fourth, most are round and with good girth, but a couple have flat boxy stems, is that ok? astora☽ comment: From what I see, everything looks fine. The mutations are fine, they’re just funky. Nothing to worry about.

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